Welcome to SquareBear

SquareBear is the home of product, where product design, development and delivery work is dynamically and intelligently translated across domains, in ways that make sense.

SquareBear has all the tools your product team needs, from customer research, to feature design, to delivery management and risk management. 

95% of all digital products end in failure, 70% of all digital transformations end in failure, and at least 70% of those failures are attributed to poor communication between domainsJoin SquareBear’s mission to reduce product failure, eliminate silos in product, and to elevate what is possible. 

Customers say “SquareBear is like agile product management with guard-rails”. Get your product to your customers quickly. SquareBear has best practice baked-in. Your team will be working optimally from day one.

Bring your team together in one tool

Streamline your design and development process with SquareBear: Unify user and customer research, feature design, and delivery tools all in one place. Harness the power of SquareBear’s algorithms to effortlessly translate design artifacts into actionable build instructions (stories). Empower your teams with seamless collaboration and unparalleled context, driving efficiency and innovation at every step

Evidence driven decisions

We firmly believe in evidence-driven product management. Your team can anchor every phase of discovery, design, and development to research outcomes and supporting evidence. Here, one of our customers is connecting journey map observations to real-world evidence, providing valuable context to the entire team.